On the first Sunday in September Zion Chapel Baptist Church #1 will reopen for in-person church services.
Please note the below instructions regarding the reopening.
Screening Area Reminders
- Approach the screening area wearing your mask.
- Social distance 6 feet.
- Wait for directives from the screeners.
- It is suggested that you take care of personal needs before entering the Church.

Reminders While In Church
- Please remain seated during the service (Unless instructed by Pastor to stand).
- Only one person in restrooms at a time.
- If you have not placed your tithes/offerings in the box upon ENTERING the Church, you may place your offerings in the box (on the back wall) as you EXIT.
- Providing change (cash) will not be performed.

Do You have Questions about Covid-19?
- Call SCDHEC at 1-855-472-3432 Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 6:00pm
- Call Richland County Health Department at 803-576-2900
Exit Plan – Lets Keep Everyone Safe
- Please wait for directives for EXITING.
- Please do not stop and socialize while exiting.
- Once out of the Church, please proceed immediately to the parking lot.
Weekly Testing/Vaccination Sites
Please check with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for local testing and vaccination sites.
Testing Sites:
Vaccine Sites: